As for what your friend hears? I never trust what someone else hears. Listen for your self. Play with the turntable and see if it is stable. Can you jump on the floor without it skipping? Is the very lowest bass satisfactory.
Take a copy of the Red Hot Chili Pepper's Blood Sugar Sex Majik. See if it makes it through the first side without a hiccup. If it does that is a good sign.
As for your Basis you can absolutely put a new arm on it. The Kuzma 4 point 9 would be a great choice. IMHO the Calibration Base is a waste of money. A J's design does not need it. I think he is rolling over in his grave. You are much better off spending the money on a nice arm with solid bearings. The Kuzma 4 Point is a great value as are the Origin Live arms. If you want the ultimate go for a Schroder CB, a fabulously thought out design.