Never Spend More On Cables Than Your Equipment Cost$$$$$$$$$$

Another interesting read and I agree!

Not a flat earther and cables can make a difference but sticking a $600.00 PC on a $699.00 DAC is a freaking waste of money. IMHO.

As one of my racing instructors Fast Freddy Spencer used to say "Gotta have the apple before you can polish it" .

Spend the money on front end then upgrade your cables.

Just me thinking out loud.



Showing 2 responses by williewonka

@jerryg123 RE: ....

but sticking a $600.00 PC on a $699.00 DAC is a freaking waste of money. IMHO.

So here’s the problem with this particular train of thought...

  • to start with that "$699 DAC" seldom had a "substantial power supply", because the power supply is often the most overlooked and underestimated part of any "budget component"
  • it does not have the capability of handling transient spikes in music
  • it does not have the capability of handling the dynamic nature of music
  • all of which detract from the overall sound of that component
  • poor imaging is often a direct result

Using a really good power cable - and there are some out there starting around $350 - will improve the performance of a component far beyond what a stock power cable can achieve

  • Cables like those from Zavfino, use UP-OCC copper, which offer exceptional dynamic perofrmance
  • replenishing that energy used in the reproduction of music is critical to achieving excellent perofrmance
  • Cable geometry lowers the noise floor making for a much quieter musical rendering
  • using the right Insulations also lower the noise floor resulting in improved sound

Whereas - the amplifier has a much more robust power supply

  • it is more able to handle those transient peaks and generally offers superior dynamic perofrmance
  • but you can still improve performance with the right power cable
  • unfortunately, because of their heavier duty power supply, many amps do require even better quality power cable than that used for a source component

Todays electronics tend to perform much better than their power supplies allow. So using a good quality power cable can make a significant perofrmance improvement

I know this after many years of fabricating my own power cables and applying them to a variety of components,.e.g..

  • my $250 Yamaha Mini System
  • my Bluesound portable streaming speaker
  • my Bluesound Node 2 streamer
  • my Bifrost DAC
  • my Nami 5i amplifer
  • my Simaudio Moon phono stage
  • my Bryston B135 amp
  • and friends audio systems exceeding $70k

All of these benefitted from cable upgrades

Of course - if your other cables (i.e. speaker and interconnect) are not of a similar quality then you will probably have more difficulty hearing the improvements a power cable upgrade might make

I have come to realize that my cables are as important as my components, because they allow each component to operate at peek performance

I realize this may sound counter intuitive, and if I hadn’t tried it for myself, I might believe the same as yourself.

But I have spent many years investigating cable designs and actually proving (to myself and friends willing to listen) what makes a good cable.

Commercial products from Zavfino are a very good place to start because their entry level cables are affordable and they work because they know how to make a very good cable - their UP-OCC cables offer exceptional perofrmance

Hope that helps - Steve


@jerryg123  - my apologies - but the last part of your statement did seem to be - a tad on the skeptical side ? 😉

But I do get where you are coming from - it can seem a little absurd to those that have not experienced a great cable - i.e. until they hear the difference😮

Happy listening - Steve😎