Network Switches


Showing 3 responses by cakyol

There is no such thing as an audio network switch. They ALL work on digital mostly ethernet packets. It is LUDICROUS to think otherwise.

PS: I worked for Cisco for 17 years as a software technical lead and I am now at Broadcom as a principal software engineer, who makes the chips for these switches.

jaytor, there is NO SUCH THING as noise on an ethernet switch.  It is DIGITAL.  It is either so badly distorted that even the error correction codes (read up Hamming codes, Viterbi decoding) cannot fix it or it is perfect.  There is NOTHING In between.

mitch2, we dont use switches to imrove audio.  I use it so that I can bridge multiple devices onto a single 1 gb/sec ethernet link.  That goes to a wifi router.  I have netflix, jazz radio and yamaha vtuner all conected to my amplifier, tv and a streamer.  So I have ONE gb/sec ethernet wired connection and I have a netgear switch in betwen which bridges the different mac addresses.

For people who do not what "bridging" means, search google for "difference between routing & bridging" to find out.