Network Players and External DACs

I recently purchased an Audio Research CD3 player, and it blows
away both my Cambridge Audio CXC CD Transport running through
a Cambridge Audio CXN Network Player, and a Rega Apollo.

My Cambridge Audio CXN is used primarily for playing digital FLAC
files, but these days my new Audio Research CD Player sounds
much better playing the CD version of an album than the
Cambridge CXN playing the FLAC rip.

If I were to purchase an Audio Research DAC and use the digital
output of the Cambridge CXN to drive the external DAC would
my FLAC files sound better?

A second option would be to just purchase a better network
player I guess, but I like the Cambridge CXN.

If I'm correct the DAC in the Cambridge would be avoided and
the digital signal would be sent to the external DAC instead.

Both the Cambridge and Rega Apollo use a Wolfram chip.
I think this is what I'd like to avoid.

I don't know what chip is used in the Audio Research for the
digital to audio conversions, but it is miles ahead of the Wolfram
used in both the Cambridge CXN and Rega Apollo.

Another thing I've noticed is that Hi-Res albums downloaded
from HD Tracks sound no different to my ears than the FLAC
rip of the same Red Book CD when played on the Cambridge.

For what it's worth I store my FLAC files on a Toshiba SSD
with USB 3.1 interface as the input source for the Cambridge
instead of running over my network's UPnP or DNLA servers.


Showing 1 response by audioman58

The Cambridge is average at best ,a whole lot more went into the AR dac it should be much more refined.
The dac chip he is referring to is s Wolfson dac chip and it for sure not Wolfsons best. In my Lumin player there is a pair of Wolfsons best dacs and it sounds very natural, analog in many ways 
Plenty of excellent reviews on the D-1 ,and as good as those reviews are 
A great linear  power supply can  transform most any digital product I spent $1,000 on the latest power supply from Mojo audio  the Illiminati-2
From  A very good  $2k plAyer to now a digital player that can compete with very good digital 3x it's cost. It is all about implementation 
And how good the parts quality are down stream. the lumin has closely matched quality parts throughout ,that is why the D-1 leaves
Open the option for much better outboard seperate power supplies.