Need suggestions for buying an integrated amp ( Peachtree Nova vs Cambridge Audio CXA60)

I would like to buy a 2 channel amp to listen to music (Tidal/Spotify/Apple Music). Considering to pair this with a Jamo S606 speaker. I would be using this for only listening to music. Presently I have auditioned a 4-year-old Peachtree Nova 80w and I really liked it. But with that budget, I can buy a new Cambridge Audio CXA60 here in India. But I couldn’t get a chance to hear the sound signature of Cambridge Audio yet. Do you really think CXA60 would be better than Nova? Awaiting for your suggestions.
Hi, varunc_h

Since you have listened to the Peachtree and liked it, that would be a safe choice for you. They make very nice amps.

I have not heard the Cambridge CXA60 but it is well reviewed and the build quality inside and out is excellent.

I can't tell you if it would better than the Peachtree. But I do believe the CXA60 would be a fantastic match for the Jamo S606. Also, the S606 looks like an outstanding speaker.

