Do you have the alignment gauge that came with the SL1200GR?
If your cart has threads, just put both screws in and tighten until the cart will not slide easily in the headshell slots. Then using the gauge, line up the stylus tip as per Technics instructions. I wear a cheap pair of magnified glasses when doing this.
When you have it lined up, tighten one side a little more so that the cart can be rotated if need be. I then either measure the gap between the screw head and the end of the headshell slot or use a small screwdriver or other object as a feeler gauge. Rotate the cart if needed so the slot size is the same as the first. Tighten the other screw and recheck with the shim or measure.
For carts that are not threaded, I just drop one screw in the headshell slot and slightly thread a nut on. Put the cart against the screw and headshell and tighten it up, it will now be easier to get the second screw and nut on. Do the same as above.
I have checked my results with other methods and this has worked every time for me.