need help with virgos

I just purchased a pair of Virgos about three weeks ago. My previous speakers are Spica TC60's which are stand-mounted two ways. Although the Virgo's have more detail than my Spica's, and are more dynamic, there is something wrong with the midrange. There is no power in the midrange. I notice this on saxophone and guitar (not acoustic) passages. Despite the smaller Spica, when a low note was hit on a sax it came at you and shook the room. It was deep and chesty, like real life. The Virgo's midrange sounds real small. Also all my CD's sound like they were recorded in an enormous room now, even the studio cuts. Is this more accurate?
The posts I read on the Virgo's are all raves, especially regarding the mid's. Something is wrong or I am jaded. I want to know if anyone has had a similar experience and if anything can be done. My system is Sony 777 SACD, AI L1 preamp, CJ 11A, MIT.

Showing 1 response by glide3

My best guess would be a mismatch with the MIT or the positioning....have you referred to Immedia's web-site? I would also refer your questions to Immedia as they are the US distributor and very helpful.