Need help with covering for Dueland speaker wire

I want to cable my Spatial Audio speakers with Dueland 16 ga. wire.  I have to run it under my house in a crawl space that is pretty wet a good portion of the year.  Regular PFTE-clad wire is no problem in the elements, but the Dueland cloth-covered wire will likely be a problem.  I am looking for some sort of weather-proof sheath for the Dueland cable that will negate the moisture problems of having to run the cable under the house.  Any recommendation would be appreciated.  Thanks, Whitestix

Showing 2 responses by erik_squires

Well this PVC has all sorts of accessories, so you could run it all the way into your home to an outlet box. 
You could do thin wall PVC pipe. Easy to install, and will make it easy to change them later. Perfectly fine for Class 2.