Need help with basic electrical stuff

Hi all,

My amplifier has an error and I've talked to the designer. I'm told to "Check the DC voltage at the speaker output related to GND (e.g. XLR Pin1)

I'm unsure of what to do.

1)Where do I put the black and red cable from the volt meter onto the amplifier,

2) and should the amp be on.

3) What do I do regarding the XLR Pin1


Appreciate any help I can get, thanks all. 


Black on the ground of any input jack, red to red speaker output. Amp should be on. 

Check the DC voltage at the speaker output related to GND (e.g. XLR Pin1)

I think the designer wants you to measure the DC voltage of speaker binding posts to ground.

  1. Turn on the amplifier, let it warm up about 15 minutes.
  2. Set the digital multi-meter to DC voltage auto range setting.
  3. Insert the positive probe into the "+" speaker binding post, place the negative probe on the outer metal ring of any RCA socket, and record the reading, please note that readings may be negative. (I do not recommend placing the negative probe on XLR socket pin 1 to avoid accidentally shorting the probe to other pins and causing more damage.)
  4. Insert the positive probe into the "-" speaker binding post and place the negative probe on the outer metal ring of any RCA socket, record the reading, please note that the reading may be negative.
  5. repeat step 3 and 4 on another channel.

Hope this helps.


For the black speaker terminal I got -0.05 volt. For the red speaker terminal I couldn't get a reading, it was 0 most of the time. Is this normal?