Need Help On Amp Selection

Recently sold my 1998 Legacy Focus, for very reasons it was time for a change. I have placed an order for Salk Audio Song3 Encore. I am building my system around these speakers. My current amp is a McCormack DNA-1 amp. My dilemma is the sensitivity rating of the Focus was I believe 94.......the Encore3 is 87. The Mccormack is rated at 150 @ 8ohms. I listen to classic and hard rock, along with some metal.....I do tend to crank it up at times. I am scheduled to send in my McCormack for a complete rebuild/upgrade. I have no doubt the quality of the sound form the upgraded amp will be outstanding, I am concerned about the lost top end due to the sensitivity difference of the speakers. The rebuild will take my DNA-1 to approximately 200W @ 8 Ohms/400 @ 4. If I knew the DNA-1 would provide enough top end I would go that route in a heat beat. SMC Audio has assured me the amp will produce enough power with the new speakers. If needed I could spend in the neighborhood of $7500 on either a brand new amp or well cared for used one. I have not listened to any amps yet, but a couple possibilites would be Anthem STR....used Pass 250.8.  Any input would be greatly appreciated.   
The real key is current from the amp. With the DNA doubling 8 ohms to 4 it has good current. If you like the DNA-1, especially since you are getting it upgraded sounds like it should have plenty of power. 

My amp has two modes ultra linear (140 wpc) and triode (70 wpc). It is very difficult to hear a difference in loudness. I run them in the tripod mode… they can play louder than I can stand it. My speakers are 90 db. Yours should be great.
It says 100 watt on their website if you could get them to show you an impedance and phase graph it would help see how hard they are to drive just saying 8 Ohm nominal isn't really much help.