Need Help! My Class A Amp Is Running Very Hot

Hi, currently I own a Luxman 590 Class A 30watts Integrated. After the unit running for more than half an hour if I put my hands on the top of the cabinet over or around the vents  it is burning hot , I even feel the heat on the sides of the cabinet, other than that the amp sounds good. Can anyone tell me if that’s normal or I should get it check out?
Thank you  in advance for your advice.
Where are you located and what does the back of your amp say about voltage? Is the voltage on the back the same as your standard voltage where you are located?
Imhififan makes a good point about the possibility that the amp is a 100 volt model being operated with 120 volts. The voltage the amp is designed to operate with should be indicated on the rear panel.

Regarding the Kill-A-Watt meter, I have no experience with and no particular knowledge of such devices, but I wonder about what kind of accuracy it would provide when used to measure the power consumption of a power amp or integrated amp. I assume that what it does is to multiply together a measurement of voltage and a measurement of current. But are those measurements "true rms," or something else?

And if they are not true rms, given that an amp draws current mainly during a small fraction of each 60 Hz period, when the instantaneous voltage of the AC at the output of the power transformer approaches positive and negative peaks and exceeds the voltage stored on the filter capacitors by enough to cause the rectifier diodes to conduct, that would seem to raise questions about how meaningful the measurement is.

Also, given the inductive nature of the power transformer and the capacitive nature of the filter capacitors, perhaps voltage and current aren’t quite in phase with each other, which would also result in some inaccuracy if the device calculates power consumption by simply multiplying the two numbers together. With the inaccuracy being in the direction of overestimating the number of watts.

Perhaps one of those having experience with these kinds of devices can comment on these questions.

-- Al

At idle, the Watt meters are pretty accurate.

As I said above, it could be you have a signal you cannot hear, so it is important to try disconnecting the speakers. If you have an A/B switch that would work.

So would switching inputs to an unused input. 

Also, if you have a "separate" switch, use that, see if the power drops for any of these examples.

Thanks for the feedback 
I just did another reading from the Killawatt
Standby =1.1W
Idling power on with no input =318W
With input and music playing =326W
60Hz Volt 122

The back panel of the amp stated it is a 115 Volt /60Hz model

I have different brand class A amps in a custom cabinet with active ventilation. They are Krell Evolution 600 idle/listening moderately they are about 117 degrees when they are pushed approach 130. The owners manual of Krell lists the amps heat output in btu’s for each model incase one would buy it for a space heater as an alternate use. 
I just did another reading from the Killawatt
Standby =1.1W
Idling power on with no input =318W
With input and music playing =326W
60Hz Volt 122
I did some google search and found the following:
L-590A / L-590AII power consumption is 280 watts at idle,
L-590AX power consumption is 220 watts at idle,
L-590AXII power consumption is 260 watts at idle.

If OP’s amp is a L-590A or L-590AII, power consumption is 280 watts at idle at 115 Volt, according to calculation based on ohm’s law, the power consumption at idle at 122 Volt it should be 316 watts. So it is well within spec.

If it is a L-590AX, the power consumption at idle at 122 Volt it should be 248 watts. IMO, it should go for a check-up.

If that is a L-590AXII, the power consumption at idle at 122 Volt it should be 293 watts. Maybe it is best to ask the manufacturer if 318 watts is still within spec.

Thanks for the clarification hififan.
Currently I have the 590AII model so I guess it is running within spec
I had the 550AX before it doesn’t run as hot but the 590 sounds a lot better more dynamic and detailed 
Happy Thanksgiving!
Does your amp perform/function/sound as is should? Do you believe Luxman actually might know how/might possess the competence, to design and manufacture a device, that can protect itself from overheating? Has it EVER exhibited the first signs of malfunction? Why are you entertaining so many alarmists? Oh, wait; THE SKY IS FALLING! THE SKY IS FALLING(just being consistent, with the other contributions)! 
Chill off rod man
First time I experienced with class A Amp 
just want to be sure it’s ok since it is a preowned unit

just want to be sure it’s ok since it is a preowned unit
Obviously, most amps will survive life with higher input voltages but it's not necessarily good for them, best to ask the manufacturer run at 122 Volt continuously for the L590AII is OK!