need advise, which is the weakest link in my audio chain

Hi all, i am new here and this is my first post.

need some opinion and advise, which gear do you think is the weakest link that i should improve/change.

i wish to have sweet sound and detail but not fatiguing

my experience on current setup not really meet my preference  :-

- a bit forward sound 

- sometime may a little dry/harsh sounding when source recording is poor

- lack of sweet top end

pre amp - bryston bp6

power amp - lexicon nt-212 (same as bryston 3bst)

speaker - spendor sp1 

cd player - marantz cd6006

dac - rega dac

tuner - yamaha t1 & sony st-sa5es

sorry for my poor english.

thank you.


I would continue to work on your room.


Looking over your equipment. I would say, given what you have said, Bryson is probably not a good match for your tastes (or mine). While quiet and detailed, they are pretty analytical and the opposite of sweet and musical.

While upgrading your DAC will gain you a lot. I think the first thing you want is to get your central components correct to your tastes (preamp and Amp). I think you would be much happier with a tubed preamp (as high a quality as you can afford)… and a warmer amp… since your speakers are 88db… not tremendously efficient, you will probably have to use a solid state amp (tube would be preferred, but I am guessing a good 60wpc tube amp is not in your budget)… you want a warm amp… things like Krell, Pass, and CJ come to mind… probably above your budget. Some folks hear can probably recommend some lower budget options.

i just upload room photo in picture profile

but still not able to put picture in the forum due to below link was failed to access

(i think it was blocked at my working office) 😅


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based on all helpful advise from you all

the priority more seems like :-

1. room issue

- bad shape and too small, probably better to keep current setup till i really have budget to renovate extend the room dimension

2. when no.1 done, then only i can review again my setup correctly, who knows i may love the sound later


recent years, i keep on trial and error changing amp, speaker, interconnect and power cable. adding dac and acoustic treatment too

urfortunately found that my friends setup at their home sound more spacious, lively and nice top end compare to mine. 

some of them spend not even half of my cost.

yes, they put the system at hall, a lot bigger space than my tiny square room.


this is 1st time i post forum ask about my gears, i feel really grateful to get good response useful advise and suggestions from u all.

atleast now i have clear direction which i should take first

Room.. room... room... my most weakest link here😁


btw in hifi world, upgrade gears and trying other brand sound signature is very additive and system synergy is important too.

my future target will be dac and adding new source streaming device


cheers guys 😎



IMHO get rid of the cardas quadlink. I found it killed killed the dynamics of my system. I would suspect the Bryston is a little to neutral. I would look for a nice tube integrated. 



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At the forum home page upper left there's "A" logo, next to it is a small drop down menu symbol, click on it and select " Virtual systems ".

On the virtual systems page there's a yellow menu bar, click on "Create system" and go from there.