Need Advice Spendor S3/5 or ProAc Tablette 2000

Hi all,
I need some advice, I have a good offer for Spendor S 3/5 and also ProAc Tablette 2000, in the same price, I have auditioned them, and confusing which one to take home, both have their own plus and minus. Will use this speaker for mixing at my bedroom system (Lynx Two A -> TC Electronic Level Pilot -> Rotel RB-1080). So any recomendation?

Any Reply Will Be Very Appreciated.

Thank You.

Neither of these make a good mixing choice. Look into some of the pro audio units made for this purpose. Yamaha makes the classic unit which is very reasonable in price with the right discount.
You have auditioned them,you know what you heard.You are the only one that can/should decide on what you should buy.Notice all the you's in those sentences?