Need advice in coming out from the analog dead

I am getting back into the better quality audio game after have relegated myself to the sidelines for about 20 years. Used to have a fine Mac amp and pre and a Linn table which I kick myself (repeatedly) for having ever sold.

Anyway, I recently got a good deal on a VPI TNT table with a Origin Live Silver arm. Normally, I would not have bought a table FIRST, but the deal was too good to pass on. If I have to, I will sell and replace depending on what else I get.

I have about 2500 LP's (including about 40 MFSL's) and love the analog sound. Listen to what they now call "Classic Rock" - Beatles, Zeppelin, Yes, CSNY, Doors etc. but also Steely Dan and more "jazz" influenced music, especially piano soloists. Plus, I am really into female vocals. My "listening room is about 25X15 so I figure I will need some decent punch to deliver the goods to whatever speakers I ultimately choose. I am leaning heavily toward SS because I'm not sure I want to fool with "tube games" at this point in my life (though I loved my old Mac tubes).

After all that, my question is this. What would ya'll recommend, given the above, based on the following rough budget for used, unabused components:

Amplifier - $1500-$2000
Pre-Amp $800-1200
Speakers $2000

Or, as do some, would you recommed dialing back a bit on the amp and sinking more into speakers.

Thanks very much in advance for any help. Seems to be some very sage advice on this board.

Showing 1 response by g_m_c

you might as well find out now and not later.... phono stage and interconnects/speaker cables are/may be needed as well, and they can creep/pass toward that pre-amp number quickly.

you might need a phono cartridge as well, not to mention a serious lp cleaner.

fun but not an inexpensive hobby, worth every bit though.