NAD C 162/ 272 or Yamaha CX2/MX 2 ??

I am looking at an NAD C162 / 272 combo or a Yamaha CX 2/ MX2 combo.  Power is clearly not an issue with either.  I have never heard the mid 90s yamaha units so has anyone ever compared or owned these unit head to head?  Thanks
Nad combo:  Fuller, more bass.  
Yamaha combo: Neutral, sounds cleaner.
Had both, can't say which one would be better without knowing your speakers.  The 272 is not the most reliable amp either.
  I don't have any experience with the NAD equipment, but have and do own the Yamaha gear. Whether or not they have any power issues is dependent on what you are driving with them.

no, but both manfs. make high quality gear

can you listen to them in a blind test?  or at all?

if not, then buy based on control functionality or price