Responses from tklp
What do/did you do for a living? Union plumber, nearing retirement. An audio enthusiast since i was 12. Married almost 39 years to a very understanding woman. Three daughters are grown, put through college, and out living their lives. Two weddings down, 1 to go. Audio is not my o... | |
Dedicated 20 amp circuit - Electrician laughed! I guess your electrician would have a field day with me. I put in 10 separate circuits for my system, everything has its own circuit. The amp for my mains is rated for 20 amps, so that one is 20, the rest are 15 amp. My house was wired with a 400 ... | |
Why so underwhelmed by Revel F208 audition??? I recently went to hear the 208s, after reading about them. I am considering a possible upgrade from my Aerial 7Bs. I guess after all that has been said about them, I too was somewhat wondering what I was missing. I could hear what others are ... | |
Best amp pairing with Aerial Acoustics Speakers? The same as the Yamaha. | |
Best amp pairing with Aerial Acoustics Speakers? When I purchased my 7Bs, I tried running them with a Yamaha MX-1. I would describe that pairing as anemic, my initial impression was that I'd made an expensive mistake buying the Aerials. It wasn't until I purchased the Bryston that I realized the... | |
Best amp pairing with Aerial Acoustics Speakers? I'm using a Bryston 14B ST to drive my 7B's and have been happy . I started with a 4B ST, but upgraded because the 4B would go into clipping mode at higher listening levels. These speakers do crave current. | |
NAD C 162/ 272 or Yamaha CX2/MX 2 ?? I don't have any experience with the NAD equipment, but have and do own the Yamaha gear. Whether or not they have any power issues is dependent on what you are driving with them. | |
Is going from Aerial 10T to Aerial 7T a significant upgrade ? Upgrade tweeters? | |
Concert Experience for $5k? We used to use Altec Voice of the Theaters for PA. My mother hated them in the house. | |
Is It Safe To Connect Speakers To Two Amps?? I've been using the Niles unit for nearly 10 years without issues, it does exactly what you want. | |
Amps for Sasha I recently heard them with a Boulder 1060, definately worth a listen. That set up will haunt me for a long time. |