Mytek Brooklyn Dac plus running hot

What's in this little box that causes it to run so hot? Almost too hot to touch. To other owners Is this typical?

I can confirm that they look absolutely ridiculous, and it only helps a little.  Something in there gets pretty hot, and the air flow unfortunately isn't very good.  The PC board itself obstructs most of the bottom to top air.

Now I want to take it apart and see if it could use a carefully placed heat sink.
Possibly adding larger isolation feet might help with air flow although probably look a little ridiculous on such a small unit.

Yep, my original does as well. I've been tempted to open it up and see if something can be improved with heat sinks.

Haven't yet though!

I think it got a little better when I used an out-board DC power supply, which it supports.
My Mytek BB definitely runs quite warm to the touch, but nothing my fingers can't handle.  As for my Primaluna...