My venture into the world if demagnitizing vinyl. Your results may vary.

Ok, I have been using my hand held demagnitizer (tape bulk eraser) on these particular versions of records in my collection that have accentuated treble ( The Who- "Who's Next" MCA masterphile, "Tommy", "Sell Out" , Ted Nugent "CSF" and the Dixie Dregs "Industry Standard" and the initial results are in. YES! a resounding yes. Positive. Eye opening or should I say ear opening. At first I was skeptical having heard about it from a Michael Fremer review about 8 years ago. The curiosity finally overwhelmed me. Boy I wish I had known and tried this earlier. The single best tweek I have experienced bar none. After treatment every note was the most profound note ever struck until the next one and the next one with me anxiously waiting for that next note. It was like analog on acid with me hearing a whole new sonic landscape. I can now imagine how it is justified by spending 3 grand on a dedicated device. My procedure is as follows with a Radio Shack bulk eraser. To protect the record I laid it on an album sleeve with another sleeve on top to protect the record to get as close as possible with the unit. I used the unit as I would on a tape deck with being slow and steady. I also did both sides.
  Ok ok I'm being serious now. Back to earth and not the way over the top and dramatic description as the above. I might (BEING THE KEY WORD) might have heard a high frequency mellowing on CSF and the Dixie Dregs. Actually on CSF it was a little more than maybe. I'm a little embarrassed saying that and that leaves me open to ridicule. That perplexes me. I know its far out there in pseudo science land but I think or maybe I thought I heard something subtle. Definitely it's not a slam dunk case. The science states that there is practically nothing on the record that would react to any degree with a demagnitizer. I might try a couple more. I would hope some fellow Audiogoners would have an open mind and see if they have any positive results with the procedure above with some treble accentuated records.
I also have diminished hearing and it was hard to tell.
Oh well it was fun.


Showing 2 responses by millercarbon

So you are demagnetizing your copper or silver cables, that also contain no iron? Interesting.

Yes, it is very interesting. Mine was bought in the 90's to be used on CDs. Figured it was BS. CDs are after all polycarbonate, aluminum, what's to demagnetize? Even way back then though I had already learned a lot of seemingly crazy stuff actually does work and so I figured Radio Shack, $20, just take it back when it doesn't work. Only thing, it did work. Easy to hear. Friend bought one when he heard how well it works. 

Few years later someone said it works on records. Here we go again. See the pattern? Instead of dismissing every crazy idea I actually try them out whenever I can. 

Here's maybe one of the most valuable items of information for an audiophile to know: When you can't get a good explanation exactly why something works, it does not mean it doesn't work. It only means we can't explain it.

Warning. Do not do this with your record on the TT. You will ruin your cartridge.

Which you would know.... how? Only if you ruined yours, I would say. Otherwise....
Look at my system. Please. There in image #10 you will see an actual Radio Shack Bulk Tape Eraser sitting in its usual spot on top of my modded power conditioner. Bought in 1993 or 4 its been plugged into that outlet for years because from there it reaches almost all the cables and turntable. Its used not only on records before just about every play but over the cables usually at least once per night and always before playing any of my White Hot Stampers. 

Its kind of interesting this post of yours because these Radio Shack units are kind of hard to find these days. When I looked last year there was only one for sale on the web, it was $90 (they were only $20 back in the day) and I haven't seen one since. Do you actually have one? 

Anyway they do work. Mine is used on almost every side, and right there on the platter, and my Koetsu hasn't been the least bit "ruined" by it. Oh well. 

One more thing- were you writing to inform, or entertain? Its hard to tell if your post is a joke or serious. If serious you ruined it with the fake ruined cartridge story. If a joke, well comedy is maybe harder than it seems, eh?