@ozzy I was remiss and should have mentioned that I gave VeraFi another shot and bought the SDFB when it was on sale recently. Attached it to my Mac amp and was pleased to hear "more" there: bigger, bolder. Overwhelming, no, but better.
I have been researching power conditioners as another area for improvement. All my equipment is plugged into my Furman PC. Some indicate a better conditioner is no conditioner at all, plugged directly into the wall. I gave it a whirl today, and will say (perhaps giving credit where it isn't due, but that's OK), my amp and SDFB plugged directly sound better than before. It makes me wonder whether the Furman is holding me back, or are there myriad other issues as yet undetermined? That is a topic for another thread, but I doff my cap to VeraFi for the SDFB and its positive impact. Better is always better.