My quest for a pair of Tonian Labs speakers was finally realized Yesterday

About 3 years ago I started researching Tonian Labs speakers.  I saw an ad for a pair on Audiogon or US Audio Mart and read the description and thought  these sound like something I am looking for.  Most of the ads I saw were on the west coast. I live in the Mid Atlantic area.  So for 3 years I never had a chance to audition a pair.  I decided to place a wanted ad on US Audio Mart. Within a few days a gentleman from Ct. responded and said how excited he was with his model Tonians and was excited for me in my quest to find a pair to listen to and hopefully buy.  He didn't have any for sale because he loved their sound quality and said he would be buried with them.  The next day a guy in Pa. responded saying he had a pair for sale.  They are the model TL-P1 with a Philips driver and a Fountek tweeter.  These speakers are 95 DB sensitivity.  I heard them play with a Line Magnetic 218A  3 wpc  amplifier and the sound was so organic and alive sounding. The speakers completely disappeared.  The are now sitting in my listening room. I am amazed every time I play my music.  I would like to hear from anyone who has listened to Tonians or owns a pair. I would appreciate any comments.


Looking awesome Jessie glad it finally worked out and such great looking speakers I'd love to hear them sometime!

The Tonians are driven with this Line Magnetic 218A  3 wpc integrated amplifier using EL84 output tubes.

I remember Tony telling me about a run of speakers he made with some NOS Philips drivers and those look really nice.

All the best,