My quest for a pair of Tonian Labs speakers was finally realized Yesterday

About 3 years ago I started researching Tonian Labs speakers.  I saw an ad for a pair on Audiogon or US Audio Mart and read the description and thought  these sound like something I am looking for.  Most of the ads I saw were on the west coast. I live in the Mid Atlantic area.  So for 3 years I never had a chance to audition a pair.  I decided to place a wanted ad on US Audio Mart. Within a few days a gentleman from Ct. responded and said how excited he was with his model Tonians and was excited for me in my quest to find a pair to listen to and hopefully buy.  He didn't have any for sale because he loved their sound quality and said he would be buried with them.  The next day a guy in Pa. responded saying he had a pair for sale.  They are the model TL-P1 with a Philips driver and a Fountek tweeter.  These speakers are 95 DB sensitivity.  I heard them play with a Line Magnetic 218A  3 wpc  amplifier and the sound was so organic and alive sounding. The speakers completely disappeared.  The are now sitting in my listening room. I am amazed every time I play my music.  I would like to hear from anyone who has listened to Tonians or owns a pair. I would appreciate any comments.


Showing 2 responses by jond

Jessie fantastic outcome and congratulations! I've never heard Tonians but they are right up my alley I love high sensitivity speakers and tubes. Would love to see a pic of them you can post right in this thread.

Looking awesome Jessie glad it finally worked out and such great looking speakers I'd love to hear them sometime!