verndantaudio, I really like the M6si after break in and matching cables for it. Do you think it's worth it to upgrade the phono stage To the M6 or M6x phono stage? |
I'm still breaking it in, but so far, no problems at all and it sounds good. I will update in a couple of weeks when it is fully broken in. |
Great! Thanks tony. I'm happy to know that, and am going ahead with my purchase. |
I'm thinking of buying one and I read about someone having this problem. I would like to know if this is a common problem before I buy one. I would appreciate any info on this. |
smrex13, I can't wait to hear it after reading the positive responses including yours. |
That's reassuring, considering I have purchased am waiting for delivery of a new M6SI. |
Yes. I read 1 post by someone claiming to have this problem, so I don't give it much credibility, but they claimed that this was a common problem. I just wanted to know if anyone had heard of this. Maybe they have something against MF. I don't know. |
Thank you for your response. What you mentioned about the caps replaced is what I read. The power supply issue too. |
Maybe customer service will improve with the new owner. |
You didn't read my post. I don't own the equipment yet. I'm wondering if this problem really exists, or is what I read posted on another forum disinformation. I want to purchase one and I hope what I read is false. |
That's also good news. Thanks. |
Great. I can't wait to get mine. I should have it in a week or two. |
That's good. I should have mine in a week or two. |
That's surprising considering good capacitors are not expensive. |
b_limo1, Thanks and I'll let you know. |
verdantaudio, That's good news. |
I ordered The amp 3 months ago and still no word. Many things are backlogged due to the pandemic. None of the dealers I do business with have any in stock. They are waiting on shipments of their orders. |
I cancelled my order because the dealer never contacted me to let me know what was going on. I would have waited if they kept me up to date. Also, they charged me for the amp as soon as I ordered it. I've been checking the dealers I do business with, and finally found one that showed in stock, so I purchased it. They won't charge me until it ships. A few hours later I checked their site again and they had no stock again. It said to reserve yours now and it is expected 1- 31 - 21. So hopefully I caught one. I'll know in a couple of days if it ships. I know it's not any fault of the dealers it's just the way it is right now. |
Thanks for letting me know about your situation. At least I have an idea about what's going on now. |
Hallelujah! I just received an email my item has shipped.
I received my M6si. I hooked it up and am breaking it in. |
I have had the amp for over a month, and I really like it. No problems and excellent for the price. I swapped my Cardas Neutral Reference line stage interconnect to my Oppo 205 with a Golden Presence, and after breaking the cable in sounds great. I replaced my Neutral Reference phono cable for a Clear Cygnus and that also sounds great after break in. I don't have that many hours on the phono stage yet, so now I'm using it more to complete break in. I wasn't completely happy with the sound until I replaced those two sets of cables. Made a world of difference. The sound stage opened up, and much more transparent. It's a keeper. |
Well, everything is broken in now and I'm really happy with this amp. Even the phono stage is good, and not one problem. |
Yes it is, and thanks for getting back to me. Based on your reply I am interested in getting a better phono stage, but I'm not sure which yet. The M6 is one option. |
The M6x is going to be available soon and it's supposed to be even better. At first I didn't think much of the phono stage in the amp, but after switching the phono interconnects and breaking it in for many hours I'm surprised at how good it is. I'm used to listening to the phono stage in my CAT preamp, which is really good, and I have a MOFI Ultradeck +m turntable, so I want a good phono preamp but it has to be a good match for the amp and the MM cartridge. I'm not using a MC . |
Thanks again for your time and good advice. The M6x sounds like a good choice and I will use balanced cables. |
I have had my M6si since 1-24-21 and I really like it. I have had 0 problems with it and am just enjoying listening to music. What a pleasure to own such a great piece of gear, especially for the price. |
I have now switched my speaker cables to Cardas Clear Cygnus and my interconnects to balanced Cardas Clear Cygnus going to my Oppo 205. Great sound. |
I really like the Tri-Vista stuff. |
My unit is almost a year old now, and I have no problem with it. Hopefully, the newer ones don't develop this problem. With the large quantity of these units sold, there are only a couple of people who have posted a problem on this forum. I wonder if they have a good power source and surge protection?
Well, now I've owned mt M6si Integrated for almost 2 years and use it a lot. I have not had any problems and it sounds great.
Almost Four years now and no problems, just enjoying the music.