Music industry troubles caused by radio?

Apparently the music business is in trouble. For the first time since the Beatles, sales are diminishing. Some people think it's because of internet downloading and perhaps that is part of the problem but I think it's more because there's not much new worth listening to. The thing is, I'm sure there are amazing musicians out there who we're just not hearing. They probably fall outside of the narrow range of music that most radio stations choose to play.

I can remember discovering FM in the '70s. It was amazing. Low key, huge variety, minimal commercial content, and whole album sides sometimes. In the '80s, I enjoyed a paricularly cool modern rock station where once again, variety ruled. Then along came the '90s. The bean counters took over and issued an edict that the same 40 songs should be played over and over ad nauseum. Pick a genre and you can almost predict the song that will be played based on the time of day. With less variety, there are fewer opportunities to introduce new artists and a bland, homogenized form of radio pap results.

Maybe I'm just becoming an old fart but I can't think of many bands worth mentioning that actually came on the scene in the '90s. The artists that I find are still worth listening to emerged in the '60s, '70s and '80s and continue to record today.

There might be reason for hope. If XM can offer a more diverse pallate of music, maybe some of the fun of radio could return.

Showing 2 responses by shubertmaniac

Stereophile said it best: the last great rock album was
Nirvana's Nevermind. As far as radio is concerned, the
variety ended the day Led Zep's Stairway to Heaven came
out, 1971 or 1972. For me, the day WFLN, 95.7 in Philly
went from classical to shit music is the day radio music ended in Philly. Screw NPR, they went from a mix of music and talk to just talk: much cheaper. I think the bands that are out there that are rock tinged are trying hard to be good rockers, I like Godsmack and the Hives; good music but just not great music. The classical/ jazz markets are putting out great music on CDs/Records but their sales are so miniscule that they really do not count for much. Every generation thinks its was the last great musical generation;
its nothing new. Music has been hard-wired in our brains
since Man hit two sticks together. Music will be with us
as long as Man is around. The music industry itself has
changed in the past and will do so in the future, but how is unclear. End of the aphorisms.
Jeff: So who will win the Memorial Cup, the Ottawa 67s or the Sudbury Wolves, maybe the Brandon Wheat Kings.......
The one thing that is great about this country is freedom of speech. Who cares what Lugnut says; in fact who cares about what anybody says; does not matter one iota!!