Music Hall Stealth Owners - What Cartridge Are You Using?

A few weeks back I purchased a Music Hall Stealth turntable and have been enjoying it as it and the Ortfon 2M Blue break-in. That said, I will have interest in trying a better cartridge at some point and have an interest in learning  from Stealth owners what cartridges they moved on to and their firsthand comparative take vs the 2M Blue.  Thanks in advance for any response.


@noromance   Yes, I am aware that the 2M Black, or Bronze for that matter are options; and that their respective stylus can't simply be swapped in. And, I have read the reviews. Looking for owner experience, but thanks for the input.

@musikcrayz  Thank you for your input. I'll look into both.

I did not enjoy the 2M Blue. It was too bright for my system/room. I went with the Hana MH. Obviously more expensive even discounted to $1000. Worth every penny. I also have a Nagaoka MP200 on a different head shell. That cartridge sounded sweet as well on the Stealth. Good luck and enjoy. 

Sort of a no-brainer to try the 2M Black. Note that you can’t simply replace the Blue stylus.

I see Herb Reichert agrees!