Multi-zone control panels--suggestions?

Yesterday's visit to a high-end store caught my eye on something that might solve a few problems. I had been eyeing the McIntosh multi-zone control panels but I really didn't want to be limited to just McIntosh equipment. I checked out the Meridian 861 (two zone) and other systems where I can get multi-zone, but I still needed to go to the main processor to control it.

Then I happened to notice something really different. Elan Home systems has a 'VIA' control panel that directs infrared signals at your system from a set of touch panels that can be located anywhere in your house. I could do the same thing from my bedroom from a touch control panel that I would have to do using two or three remotes while standing in front of my system. This thing also can control house functions including heater and lights. It allows me to turn on my CD player, chose a disk and direct the signal through my amp and into my bedroom. Volumn control functions, skip functions, everything my remote would do. Fascinating... The web site is Feedback, anybody?

Showing 2 responses by unclejeff

OhMyGoodness; Thank you both. anyone else wanting to share is welcome. I have already printed the above. I shall be doing an addition where an existing window will become shelves with my home theatre projector and with some very high-end listening as well as theatre. the other side of my shelves will become a library--well, that is what I am calling it for my wife's sake-- that will "double" as my very own sanctuary. I also want to channel music to a room off from our kitchen that is now the computer room and will become a real charming breakfast room---another 'nod' to my life's partner. Your distinction between multi-zone and multi-room has merit. so does Tvad's suggestion of the Niles system. At any rate, I am very happy that I can get more of my own control over the whole prodeedure without going with as system such as the McIntosh which is quite heavy and expensive and, in all honesty, rather crude. Please, any/all other feedback is welcome......
Tomorrow morning I finally enter into contract with my addition. I still want to be able to access my Audio aero CD player and my tuner from remote locations in the house. Any updates to the above are very much appreciated!