MSB Diamond DAC V

Looking to try a MSB Diamond V Dac with Diamond Power Base Volume Control and Renderer. As a side note I have had the opportunity to enjoy the Lampizator Pacific, Esoteric Grandioso K1 my 2 favorites, DCS Vivaldi, Chord Dave but never tried the MSB. I was told that it's is a must listen to before I pull the ultimate trigger.

Please feel free to comment on your thoughts regarding what i can expect from the MSB Diamond DAC V.


Showing 6 responses by tomic601

$40k euro builds a fairly impressive DCS stack. @gregm  thank you for your well considered reply on sonics. I looked and build quality seems very high indeed. I own an Aesthetix and a Lampi, will at some point replace the Aesthetix 

fun, enjoy the music gents..
@gregm  what is the other DAC ? I have no reason to doubt and would love to learn
@blumartini my comments were based on user who posted it was missing bottom octave which is 100% contrary to any listening I have had w MSB. 
I am surprised by the lower octave- nothing I have experienced in listening to 3-4 MSB DAC reflects a lack of punch and drive in lower registers I will say as an Aesthetix Pandora Sig and Lampizator owner, I prefer them. I have heard a Pacific in a top flight system - certainly very very nice :-) sounds like maybe the MSB might be due for a checkup ????
you are doing right by process