MRI grade vs Hospital grade electric outlets

I know both have been suggested as an upgrade to the run of the mill cheap outlets. I also know there may be "even better" outlets.   I know the MRI grade has non magnetic metal components. Bottom line, does it make a difference one can hear? I have about 1/2 dozen Hubbell 30 Watt hospital grade outlets. Got them fairly inexpensively. Are the MRI grade worth the extra $$$?

Showing 1 response by tablejockey


No personal experience with outlets, other than replacing existing one that seemed fine, with another generic, but "hospital" quality that was a couple of bucks more.

I figure the show rigs at hotels are plugged into a generic outlet no better than what I have. Some systems sound spectacular. I wonder if any companies installed nice outlets for their gear? Hmm.. 

Price and effort, the outlet change doesn't cause finanacial damage as the rest of audio madness. 

Install the outlets you have now, turn away and run!

Or, demo a Power Plant and  determine if you hear a difference. I did.
What really convinced me was plugging in the plasmaTV.Great pic from the wall with stock cord. Nicer with aftermarket. Plugged into to PP, colors /detail increased still improved. I guess I have crappy electricity?(for audio)