MQA•Foolish New Algorithm? Vote!

Vote please. Simply yes or no. Let’s get a handle on our collective thinking.
The discussions are getting nauseating. Intelligent(?) People are claiming that they can remove part of the music (digits), encode the result for transport over the net, then decode (reassemble) the digits remaining after transportation (reduced bits-only the unnecessary ones removed) to provide “Better” sound than the original recording.
If you feel this is truly about “better sound” - vote Yes.
If you feel this is just another effort by those involved to make money by helping the music industry milk it’s collection of music - vote no.
Lets know what we ‘goners’ think.
P.S. imho The “bandwidth” problem this is supposed to ‘help’ with will soon be nonexistent. Then this “process” will be a ‘solution’ to a non existing problem. I think it is truly a tempest in a teacup which a desperate industry would like to milk for all its worth, and forget once they can find a new way to dress the Emporer. Just my .02


Showing 1 response by polkalover

3 things need to be said...
1. the only reason MQA exists is for the portion of the population that wants audiophile quality that is portable.
2. laziness. there are times when I’m listening to my record collection and don’t want to get up every 10-15 min to flip and/or change record and ....
3. argue all u want about quality, sound, detail etc. All and I mean ALL of this is subjective. You could science the sh*t out of this with all the meters, graphs etc. pointing to better quality etc and it all come down to this---my ears are different than your ears...PERIOD.

It goes back to the tube/solid state argument. what sounds good to me may not sound good to you.

Argue that