MQA DAC with Coax Output

I’d like to fully unpack MQA with a DAC but also want coax out from said DAC. I use Tidal Masters streaming from Roon which is running on an Antipodes DSGT with coax out to a pair powered Dynaudio 200 XDs. The MQA DAC would need to have a USB or coax in (the two digital outputs from the Antipodes) and and coax out to the Dynaudios. I don’t want a super expensive DAC but certainly one to do the system justice. Any thoughts?
Krilll, I have an Antipodes DS. I use USB from that to a Denafrips Pontus DAC.
To my ears at least, the sound is really good and the Pontus is capable of
  • 24bits / 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4, 192KHz on all Inputs and
  • 1536kHz on USB & I²S Inputs
The outputs are RCA and XLR

Have a look at the web site. Alvin Lee, the proprietor, is the sole Denafrips distributor.
I want to add something:

To my ears, the quality of the DAC is much more important than MQA. I’d rather have a great DAC with no MQA or 96/24 MQA than a crappy DAC with full MQA.

I have a DAC that can do full MQA, and I have it off, because I’d rather use different digital filters than have full MQA. It just sounds much better to me, so trying to get full MQA unfolding in a streamer to DAC solution isn't that important to me.

Also, if you forego coax and accept USB, you can use Roon  to get full MQA to your DAC.


Yes I’ve heard this argument but I think it’s false dilemma. It would seem that a good DAC capable of MQA is also a good DAC. I’m thinking of the Mytek Brooklyn+ or Simaudio Moon DAC for example. Both MQA capable and also some of the best DACs available right now. 
From what I’ve read so far full MQA is only possible with a MQA DAC (analogue output) at the final stage regardless of what output on your Roon streamer/core you choose.  
Mqa is not all that it is cracked up to be
I have heard many great non Mqa
that sounded better.Qobuzz for example sounds better then Tidal,
and many music programs like a Jrivers media, Audirvana, sound excellent.
Check out this Audio download program 
Audiophile Optimizer  totally transforms your music pc 
computers load many programs in the back ground and hundreds of threads . This disconnects most of them and does man. Other functions ,it has won a bunch of awards ,
also  a dedicated Jcat usb card,and  or  a Jcat Net card,
is a noticable upgrade using a dedicated Femto clock pure linear regulators,not switch mode, and filters it isolates a lot of garbage from the noisy 
switching part of the computer. And option to make better still with a dedicated linear power supply ,the majority of streamers have. Switch more power supplies.If serious. About your Audio worth 
checking out. 
Thanks. I’ve heard the anti-MQA arguments and it seems like people who have that perspective are very adamant about it. Again, Qobuzz isn’t available in my country so trying to squeeze all I can out of Tidal. A good MQA DAC should also be a good DAC.