
Just received the below article in my Google links:


initial gut reaction was something along the lines of "oh for crying out loud, leave it alone, this isn’t needed". They state their mission is to rival Qobuz and Tidal.

I’m not sure there’s enough room in the marketplace, what with Qobuz, Tidal (post-MQA), Spotify, Amazon etc; but who knows. That's without  even getting into the whole MQA debacle



Showing 3 responses by 2psyop

The same criticism you see for turntables are seen for MQA. Have you not seen how much money is being invested in bringing turntables and record albums back? That’s invested money. I don’t really think you can make turntables sound better…. the technology was kinda maxed out. Digital has and can be made better…. But I don’t bash anyone using record albums. If it’s what you like, go for it. I guess I fail to see why so many people hate MQA, other than it’s fun to bitch about it. If one does not like MQA they are not forced to listen to it, just like nobody is forced to listen to albums. I say, the more formats, the better.

MQA sounds very much like the turntable debate. Digital music keeps improving and streaming and DACs improve. Turntable and analog is not needed, old technology. So many people buying expensive record players and record albums. It’s a gimmick to make money. Only…. Many people say analog sounds better on a turntable. To me it’s all stupid and silly. Buy what you like, listen to what you like…regardless of the format. The MQA bashing is just tiresome…

I wonder what audiophiles will say about the cassette tape format that is coming back. I am sure the talk will focus on how badly it sounds.