Moving cables around killed dynamics for days anyone else experience this?

I've been experimenting with different cables between components. Nothing sounds right since trying to improve sound with new mix of cables. There is no bass and boring, highs are okay but life is gone from system. So I flipped everything back the way it was still sound horrible. Ran everything 24/7 for a couple days still no go. Let it run a couple more days dynamics are back and bass is full big and has tone again and enjoyable to listen to. Can someone tell me why this happens. I've also moved just speaker cables around without unhooking them and seen this happen, I don't get it.
I sent this thread to a Fellow Guru of High Audionic Praise...
and the following reply (of great clarity) was returned:
It’s the disturbance of the aether that takes awhile to settle back. Many people also don’t realize the gravimetric affects of slinging their cables about willy nilly. With regard to graviton displacement and the attendant (who shall remain nameless) subatomic particle spin state changes which can easily be measured with a bowl of dried cereal and two sparrow feathers placed at right angular momentum assuming (and this is key) a 10 dB drop across all barometric frequencies, one can simply subtract the total amount of capacitive reactance of all unconnected cables laying around within 1 meter per watt times pi minus the degrees, minutes and seconds in latitude below the 33rd parallel. Then place a hygrometer no further than 20 cm from the dried cereal, carefully multiplying the percentage in hygrometric changes converted to picofarads per graviton/hour.

This will yield a result in the number of hours required for the aether to return to the previous undisturbed state - Those is in the southern hemisphere need only invert the equation where applicable.

This has been tested and verified 29 times.  So far.

Indeed. Perhaps a petition to the post production sound industry from audiophiles, as to how the pros ought to dress their cables, is the fix!

Recently ran into a rather interesting article....( which btw pivots on a notion put forth by Robert Ludwig way back at the dawn of The Great Digital Delightenment...)
Wherein I found the following....maybe not definitive proof of anything but interesting none-the-less ( and kinda pertinent..) ...

Manufacturers in the Hi-Fi world were trying to figure out how to make those shiny discs sound good, or at least better. I credit all the developments in converter design in the Hi-Fi world for causing improvements to digital recording in the pro audio world.

Read, so maybe it would be a good idea for lowly audiophiles to bring some small level of improvement to the exalted world of pro sound ...sorta like bringing a higher grade of acoustics to sound stages which are generally tuned by some variation of hanging blacks...and after-all the audiophile perspective did inform Ludwig's work which was definitely not a catalog of sausage factory product...

As Bob Dylan said when a disgruntled fan pointed out how crappy some of his more recent albums sounded, especially with respect to dynamic range but also generally speaking, “It sounded good when we recorded it.” Therein lies the rub, you can’t get there from here. It’s the playback system, stupid! Hint - it ain’t the converters.
Yes I agree with  @dmac's friend.
But, I am surprised by people who refuse to hear a change in sound (caused by some change in system) just because they don’t know how to explain this change scientifically.
I think probably everything has to have scientifically explanation, but nobody from us has a full knowledge about the wold around us.
Recently ran into a rather interesting article....( which btw pivots on a notion put forth by Robert Ludwig way back at the dawn of The Great Digital Delightenment...)

And in a voila thingee moment that Ludwig article kinda magically reappeared....

Ludwig must be listening to something other than what is available to everyone else. What everyone else has does not sound like the original recording. That’s just the way things are. Of course, he has a lot of money on the line to make such a pronouncement. 🤗
Ludwig must be listening to something other than what is available to everyone else. What everyone else has does not sound like the original recording.

Yeah that is how and why he could make the comments he did.

Of course, he has a lot of money on the line to make such a pronouncement .

He also has had his hand in a vast catalogue of great sounding records/CDs.

There is no strange voodoo happening with cables moving. 1) changing antenna effect (rfi) 2) induction by magnetism off other cables (emi) 3)  picked up leakage current from other cables. 4) dielectric absorption can change for a little while when you move cables 5) static interference. And all these effects are influential on your equipment's power supplies. That is also the reason why power cables have effect. Your equipment has less hard work to do when it converts AC to DC and they don't interfere as much with other cables.

Keep power & low-level cables separate (at least 3 inch), shield low-level cables & cross at 90 degrees and you're almost done. You can also check the voltage on the ground line of your power strip because it can fluctuate when you move cables.

Best tip: don't touch it when its fine ;)
There is no strange voodoo happening with cables moving. 1) changing antenna effect (rfi) 2) induction by magnetism off other cables (emi) 3) picked up leakage current from other cables. 4) dielectric absorption can change for a little while when you move cables 5) static interference. And all these effects are influential on your equipment's power supplies. That is also the reason why power cables have effect. Your equipment has less hard work to do when it converts AC to DC and they don't interfere as much with other cables.

Keep power & low-level cables separate (at least 3 inch), shield low-level cables & cross at 90 degrees and you're almost done. You can also check the voltage on the ground line of your power strip because it can fluctuate when you move cables.

Best tip: don't touch it when its fine ;)

Lol, this is actually the best answer to this whole thread. Probably is also one of the reasons why grounding works.

Nice one for someone who just created an account and posted their first response on this forum. Now if the poster can identify himself :)
No, he blew it. His comment applies to re-routing cables. Of course we know all that. But the question is why disturbing them matters when they go back to where they were. He's talking about routing and spacing, when the question has nothing to do with that.

btw his tip is wrong too. The only way to know if its fine is to try and see if there's something better. Knowing it will sound worse for a while until it settles in.

But why does it need to settle in? That is the question.
It was not apparent to me that the original poster moved the cables back to the exact same spot. So it is still guessing what could have happened. I have only described a few technical possibilities that could have happened. Maybe the dynamics were killed by other possible symptoms like dc-offset on the grid. But I still don't believe in voodoo. I believe in an electrical explanation. Maybe Garth Powell or Cailin Gabriel can shine a light on this matter. 

" In most cases the difference is the amp adjusting to the wire . "
How does the AI in the amp know how to respond to external variances? Where can I get one of these amps?
" But why does it need to settle in? That is the question. "
  Have you ever opened a box of cereal and it is half full? When it settles you have all the same quantities of things but they take up less space. This relates to wires settling down and compacting atomic structure that was fluffed up during moving. It is an established fact that reduced space between atoms means better conductance and signal purity. I always take new cables and put them in a vibratory rock tumbler for a day and then with as little as possible additional movement place them in my system. The time reduction to achieve settled signal purity is cut way down doing this.
Last time I was in Toronto , which is nicer than any American city, it was on a very large body of water .
erik is 1000% correct . I believe he lives in the only City in USA that could give Toronto a small run . Montreal as well, which has the Toronto water going bye at high speed .
I’m sure Toronto is a lovely city. The problem is it’s in Canada. 😛
Toronto isn't a lovely city compared to Montreal or Quebec City.  And if I got it right you moved there from Vermont.  Don't agree with your moves, love Vermont, except for Bernie.
Post removed 
Why would I care if you agree with my moves ?
That superficial sentence alone is a sure sign of narcissism.
I never compared Toronto to Montreal or Quebec City .Toronto was mentioned in the post. Narcissistic people read what they think it should have said .It is what they see .

Of course no narcissistic would like Sanders, he challenges their delusions .The people of Vermont have elected him time after time for decades .They see him as the soul of Vermont and if you disagree, you love
the looks of Vermont, not Vermont itself . The people of Vermont are Vermont not the trees .
I myself respect the man , he is not perfect , no man is .My sister-in -law lived next door to him in Burlington .He was then what he is now , a fighter for the common man.

IMO he is now too old , but it’s irrelevant ,With the antique voting system we allow , Trump can get 10 million votes less and still win . Election is over before it begins .
As they say , every country gets the government it deserves sooner or later .

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I think that in audio and in life we must learn to think without the confort and habit of any formulas....Most people cant...

" We dont need magnifying glass to see the sun "- Groucho Marx
Trump + USA = Russia West

You know what’s hilarious about this? The implied "threat" of making the US more like Russia. Russia, where anyone can buy their pharmaceuticals without a doctors permission, health care is good and cheap, taxes are low, everyone has a month off every year, and the country is out of debt and instead has actual physical gold instead of paper receipts in its vaults. The people aren’t afraid to talk politics because they’re grown ups and nobody gets called racist over a political disagreement. This last one is what really frightens you to your bones, people being unafraid to speak the truth. Yes, nonoise, yes indeed Trump is taking us there. Deal with it.
Trump + Russia = BullSchiff        Bernie + Russia/Cuba = ❤️❤️(not that any of this has anything to do with cables)
Informed. The word you were looking for. 

The History article about the gold standard is like all the others correct in the confiscation, the bank closures, and subsequent revaluation from $20.67 to $35. What it leaves out, what these sorts of articles always do is spread the narrative rather than inform. The truth they would tell if the article was truly intended to inform is the revaluation artificially inflated the money supply and devalued everyone's savings by over 60%. They don't tell you this because that would be saying the truth, that inflation is theft. 

Informed. Totally the word you were looking for.
Markets were 3 times more unstable when we were on the gold standard with more recurring recessions. Having finite monetary resources is just another way of saying there's nothing we can do to help you: you're on your own unless you can buy your local politician. 

Insane it is.

All the best,
Post removed 
@millercarbon- That was a large part of FDR’s Raw Deal.      Anyone, actually interested in what, "fiat money"(ie: backed by nothing) will eventually mean to a nation’s economy, should read:
If audio matters are way over the head of most of us already (myself included), and this is one of my discovery in my journey to create my own audio system low cost; imagine how over our head are economic matters and political one , if we want to figure out that for ourselves?

In audio matters and in economic matters, the best is to think first, and read, and takes the thing in our own hands by way of actual experiments in audio and "gedenken" experiment for economics and politics...

In audio matters and in economical matters slogan and cry are only indices about delusion and sheep behaviour...

Money tough is probably at first look easier to understand than sound.... :) 

Money is only a symbolic concept manifested in the past in a perceived physical form, sound is a physical phenomenon sometimes transmuted in a perceived musical symbolic form...

Perhaps the first look is deceptive and money like sound are very complex subject after all.... :)

I apologize for my grain of sand and salt....

"Money always make music in my pocket" -Groucho Marx
There is no strange voodoo happening with cables moving. 1) changing antenna effect (rfi) 2) induction by magnetism off other cables (emi) 3) picked up leakage current from other cables. 4) dielectric absorption can change for a little while when you move cables 5) static interference. And all these effects are influential on your equipment's power supplies.

Very nice and IMO a very accurate, description of "what can and is" happening.  ANTENNA effect. Turn off all the breakers, lest what you need. Works well, just NO domestic bliss when I pull this one. 90 on any interconnect that have to cross, and space. Certainly follows the Seymour Cray, idea that bundling cables, SLOWS and caused anomalies that could only be explained and STOPPED, by a random convergence of cabling. 
In other words, "looks like a spaghetti factory" nothing neat inside one of his SUPER COMPUTERS. The only thing that slowed down the processing power of a CRAY was the speed of light. Pretty quick indeed.
Is this relative to quality sound reproduction? You be the judge, digital and analog signals just under the speed of light 185,999.999 MPS

So off the floor, spacing, cable routing, cabling covering, the neighbors HAM radio, poor shielding or INCORRECT shielding, the dog burying there dog treats in your cable nest.LOL All have effects, just some more apparent than other.  It takes 45 min if I disconnect and reconnect a speaker terminal, 3-7 days if I replace a cable run, with a conditioned cable. Yup Yup..

Last time I was in Toronto , which is nicer than any American city, it was on a very large body of water .
erik is 1000% correct . I believe he lives in the only City in USA that could give Toronto a small run . Montreal as well, which has the Toronto water going bye at high speed .

WOW like it up there do you? I'm in the CA Bay Area, just a tad on the cool side for me up there. Warm summer, mild winters, and CRAZY PEOPLE.  No place like the good ol US of A. The big Ts Truman and Trump..
