Moved from medium attic like room to larger room, everything is too bright

Hi guys, I moved my set up from a bonus room over the garage with slanted walls to our converted media room - which is the old garage. The room is about 450 ft.² with 10.5 feet ceilings. And four large windows. The good news is that I was persuaded to use cryogenically treated Romex directly from the electrical cabinet to the stereo. Which is great… Except I think the size of the room is making music seem brighter and more echoey.

I have a Hegel H390 streaming from a lumen T2. The speakers are KLH model 5 with 2 REL T/7x subs. Played a lot with speaker and sub placement but I think the problem is the volume of the room.

The room is double walled with amazing insulation plus ceiling insulation so that is not the problem. Plus we have area rugs over the hardwood.

I realize that my weakest element in the system is the speakers. So the question is should I save to replace the KLH speakers? And what speakers would work?

Thanks so much, Nadine



Showing 2 responses by erik_squires

I undesratnd you are limited in what you can do, but here are some ideas:

  • Don’t forget the ceiling! White absorbers there can be inconspicuous and contribute to the overall reverb time.
  • Consider GIK Acoustics art panels, which let you put just about any artwork over absorbers.
  • I know you mentioned placement, but consider the AM Acoustics room mode modeller. Simulate your room and then try to keep your subs and your listening area out of the lowest modes.
  • Tone controls. Schiit Loki if you don’t have them built in.
  • Cross your speakers to the subs high, not low. 80 Hz sounds a lot better than 40 Hz.
  • Measure and EQ your subs appropriately.

So weird that every line in your OP says you need to add appropriate room treatment and then your last sentence is... exactly the opposite.  😂

Your problem is the room.  Treat that, including the ceiling, before you start on a speaker merry go round.