Moved from Logitech Squeezebox to Cambridge CXN V2 w/NAS - sound not as good


   I recently made a change to my system. I moved my digital music library from my PC to a NAS device (QNAP), and replaced my old streaming interface, a Logitech Squeezebox, with a Cambridge audio CXN V2. I feed the streamer into an external DAC, a Chord Qutest. 

Since I made the change, the sound is different. A bit more "relaxed" sounding. Not sure I like it as much. The old system had a bit more punch and maybe was a little brighter. 

Any thoughts on why this might happen, and how I might remedy it? Going back to the PC and Squeezebox isn't really an option.  


Showing 1 response by chayro

You simply prefer the sound of one component over another. It is no more complicated than that.  That’s what it’s all about. Find out what makes you happy and drink it. Really.