Most powerful and popular EL34 tube amp?

What woulg be your pick?
I am looking for a stereo tube amp based on EL-34 which should have enough power to drive 4ohm 89dB speakers.

Showing 2 responses by rleff

Take a look at Audiovalve Challanger 180 monoblocks;you can run EL34,6550c and kt88's as they autobias.
You can run el34's in the audiovalve challanger 180 monoblocks and get 150 watts of class A power;install 6550's or kt88's and max out power at 180 watts;this amp drives my soundlab m2's extremely with the 6550's and kt88's as I have not listened to the el34's as of yet;Bobby of Merlin was quite interested in this amp when I asked him the question if any of his customers were driving Melin's with it.