Most compelling vocal you discovered in a movie?

I love music and find myself drawn to all sorts, most kinds of jazz, opera (except Wagner, which I have seen performed), rock, pop, world, etc. The radio, TV, concerts are obvious places to discover new tunes. How about the movies? Is there a song so wrenchingly beautiful that you discovered while watching a movie that you sat around to see the credits and then rushed off to buy it? For me the most recent tune was "When I Dream" by Carol Kidd in the highly recommended South-North Korea espionage drama "Shiri." The song is wonderful and fits the movie just so. If you haven't seen this, I urge you to find it somewhere. It was the highest grossing film in Korean history and while it is explosive, the character development and underpinnings of the motivations provide some nice food for thought.

Showing 1 response by porschecab

Here is one, but I do not know the name of the cut.
In Fifth Element, the 'blue' lady sing an absolutely stunningly beautiful piece. This is FAR and away my most favourite, but I do love classical. If ANYONE knows this piece, and who actually does this, or the CD name, please let me know. Do you recall the scene?
