Morrow SP7 Upgrade.

Currently using Morrow SP4 Speaker Cables on Low Frequency (bass) in bi-amped system. Various Speakers used, at the moment Revel Ultima Studio. The Morrow's sound best of the cables I have driving low frequencies. At the moment Morrow have 60% off in their trade up program, (I would trade up SP2's I have in a budget system). Anyone have experience going from SP4 to SP7's, and how much better? What other alternatives for bass frequencies would you suggest if not the SP7's?
@bondmanp ,

Well I've been putting some hours in on the SP7's. They did get a bit rough and ragged around the 60 odd hour mark. Will be interesting to hear when start to settle down.

Yes those Andrew Jones Pioneers punch well above their weight. I only paid $222 for the pair at a clearance centre in Oz less than 1/2 RRP around 3 and a bit years ago. Just a fluke I was actually looking for a new oven and cooktop and stumbled across these, and remembered reading positive reports. Mind you I'm running some much higher end electronics than most would into them. A tube Pre. into (my smallest in size and output) Power amp which punches out around 160 x 2, quite a bit in Class A and a lot of current. The little Pioneer's love it and sound way better than what would typically be paired with them.

Good luck with the MA-3's, my first venture into Morrow was MA-4 RCA's with cu. Eichman's around 4 year ago. They were a pretty big step up from what I had then.

Initforthemusic:  Thanks for the update.  Since your last post, I took the plunge (the sale in May was too tempting) and ordered an MA-3 IC to replace the Monster Reference cable now connecting my DAC to my pre.  I ordered the Eichmann copper RCAs (I have them elsewhere in my system and like them).  I also ordered the long breakin, since, based on my time available to listen, I would need more than the 60 day return period to fully break them in from 0 hours.  (I have a tube preamp, so I don't want to let everything run all day without me being there.)

I will post my impressions here as well.  I should have them by mid-June.

Interesting that you have those Pioneers.  My son-in-law just got a complete Pioneer surround setup (Elite AVR, towers, subwoofer, center and bookshelf surrounds) all the same Andrew Jones designed speakers.  My daughter works for an authorized retailer, so they were a bargain.  I have to spend a bit more time listening, but my initial impression was that they are a stone cold steal for the money.  Surprisingly clean in the midband. 

Holy crap! Just put the SP7's in my little kitchen system, admittedly they are only replacing a fairly budget pair of Silver Speaker cables, but wow massive improvement. The depth & weight that is now coming through the Pioneer SP-FS52's! Looking forward to break in & using them on my big Revels, will try them tomorrow as getting ready to go out now.
Well the SP7's have just arrived, very nice black velvet pouch with the cables. On the day our power is off due to planned upgrades! I'll set them up tomorrow, I only got the free 2 day break-in as like to hear the "changes" during settling in time. It might be a while as main focus is on my "Dragon Slayer" Speaker I've just got back from the designer which I had custom modded and had some issues to sort out.

Will be interesting to hear the differences during the "break in" period. Just had a thought I'll put them in my kitchen system and run the tuner regularly. That will be a quicker break in and fuller frequency. I've found silver cable to have a much longer burn-in compared to copper, I thought my SP2's burnt in reasonably quickly, so the SP7's will be interesting.
Interesting lancelock, a person over here changed over to Morrow SP7’s from CT Graphene Extremes, and preferred the SP7’s.One of the reasons I went for the SP7’s. He uses the cables in his system full range. Different systems, music preferences etc., so many variables. As I’ve stated on numerous occassions one cable doesn’t suit everyone, or every system.

Hope my long wait will be worthwhile.
Thanks, lancelock.  I have looked at Cerious, but they are priced a bit out of my range, even if they might offer a good value at their price.  I have a lot more wire to buy over the next year, and I simply can't afford to try the CT stuff.  I can't afford the higher-end Morrow stuff, either, for that matter.  The MA3 with the current sale of 40% off was about all I can manage.  I also really like the Morrow business model - 60 day trials, discounts, trade-in allowances, etc. 
I had the Morrow Grand Elite Reference SC's and thought they sounded very good. Next I tried Cerious Technologies Graphene Extreme SC's and it sounded like I added perfectly integrated sub woofers, that's how much these cables changed the bass. Of course the cables add nothing but they allow more music through and they sound so very natural. CT cables just might the biggest bang for the buck out there.
Thanks, initforthemusic.  I just yesterday decided to try out Morrow.  I ordered a 2 meter run of MA3 interconnects with the Eichmann copper RCAs.  I also ordered the longer burn-in service, so I am looking at about a month or more for delivery.  Patience is a virtue!  I will post my impressions here as well.
@bondmanp I just received an email from Morrow and my cables have only just been shipped! Read on their website that Morrow have moved premises so orders delayed. So it will be a while before I can report.
Ok bondmanp. Just have to allow a bit of time for shipping to Australia and cable run in time, but will definitely give impression of cable.

initforthemusic:  Please keep us posted as to your impressions of the SP7s.  Thanks.
Thanks for the responses. I ended up upgrading to the Morrow SP7's as like what the SP4's do on the low frequencies. Would be expecting the SP7's to add quite a bit more of what I like. With the 60% off Morrow trade up and easy pay 5 monthly instalments helped with my decision. shubert the SP6's were only 50% off, so not much more to go to SP7's.

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Next sweet spot up from SP-4 is SP-6. Heard 7's a few time didn't seem much better to me .
I switched from sp4's to Dana Cable Onyx mkll, very happy with the bass performance. Vinh Vu of Ginko Audio is the distributor and one of the nicest guys I've met in the industry.