Morch DP-8 arm on a Helix Two turntable

Hello everyone. I am exploring putting a Morch DP-8 tonearm on a Helix Two turntable. I would like opinions from people who own the DP-8 specifically on how easy is to calibrate, how is its tracking and how accurate are the low frequencies. What is your accompanied cartridge(s)? I assume your system is capable of reproducing accurately instruments below 50Hz. Thanks in advance for taking the time to respond.

Showing 2 responses by rdk777

I also have the Kuzma 4P (11) and recently got the Moerch DP-8 as an alternate arm to use with my AF Technics SP 10 Mk2.  It's only been a short period, but my initial impression is that the DP-8 ain't no slouch. It may not be up there with the 4P, but it's still a very good arm.  OP - I know Hans Henrik is willing to Facetime to help with set up, I would go that route and set up the arm properly before looking for another arm.