Monster Regret!!

Good morning to the community!  Years ago, when I was much younger and a whole lot dumber, I bought into all the Monster cable hype.  I even went as far as purchasing their Monster Power AVS 2000 voltage stabilizer and HTS 5000 reference power center.  I’m currently saving my ducats for a PS Audio DirectStream Power Plant 15 and intend to install a dedicated line shortly. 

I am listening to Martin Logan 11As driven by PS Audio BHK 300 monoblocks.  I have the amps connected via a normal 120v home outlet.  My question, should I use the Monster Power stuff for my speakers, pre/pro, etc. or go to another outlet directly to the components? 


Many thanks!  


Showing 1 response by dynacohum

Whatever you may think of Noel Lee’s engineering and/or or marketing genius, He did delegate the Monster Power design project to Richard of the 1980 Audio Magazine article that announced to the world that the design and composition of capacitors matter to the sound quality of electronic components, an idea that utterly transformed the audio landscape, heralding the modern high end as we know it.  Richard, in return for lending his expertise and credentials to Monster Power, got funding to launch his own company that produced some great sounding electronics based on his capacitor work. Long gone.