Monitor Audio Made in China?

I just bought a Monitor Audio Silver RS-LCR and it says on the box "Made in China". I thought monitor Audio speakers are made in the UK.

Showing 2 responses by chadnliz

Amen Mark! If it wasnt for greedy Unions wanting paid super wages for doing Monkey labor China would have never become what they are. If it is made in China, Japan, USA, or anywhere else I could care less as long as it does what it is supposed to do, is safe, reliable and not overpriced.
Oh I get it...that was sarcasm, very funny!

Have your paid vacations and health insurance but dont over simplify the issue, many unions are cutting their own throats with out of control demands and lazy work ethic.
If you love Unions thats cool, if you hate China and its products thats cool too but dont kid yourself into thinking the Unions deserve the across the board high wages, Vacation time, and benefit package they fight over every few years. When you see plant closings because the Unions made it impossible to create a product that can compete in the free market throwing hundreds or thousands of people out of work with no real skills...lets see how much good Unions did for those people when they are out of a job.
Unions were great and needed years ago, but that time has passed now they are just breeding grounds for mediocrity.