Money Well spent

Cables , Interconnect  Rca /Xlr & Power   Not To metion Power conditioners ???? Is we  all  have a shopping bag of left over  cables  WHY  many because  always hoping for that new improvement   that some thing extra   My most $$ power cable a well know company  VD i have retailed for 1,200. 00 back in 2017 Hi Fi award  all that stuff  you like  a new Car of the year  again . so  who make s  great cables &  NO i Don't want Garden Hoses  behind my audio rack that  don't bend or are so heavy they have to tired up in order not pull down &  fall out  do i have to go on & on  NO i don't think so  i have NOT been BLOWN Away  as of Yet  just   NOT  satisfied  Good News Is my Wallet is so thin it doesn't heart when i sit down G mann

Showing 7 responses by millercarbon

When it comes to wire, if you have the budget Townshend F1 for sure, or below that the similar Townshend Isolde.   

Below that in terms of price there are so many choices my approach is to go with the odds-on favorite Synergistic Research. I say that because having used and compared an awful lot of them over a good 30 years they are so darn consistently good. Not saying you can't find something better for whatever you can afford. Saying that because there are so many good ones at so many different price levels you can just about throw a dart and be pretty much assured of being satisfied. As opposed to spending who knows how much time and money trying to find something better.   

If you have enough time and money you probably can find something better. But is that really what you want to be doing with your time and money? When you can simply search around for whatever Synergistic cable happens to be within your budget? That is why I looked around and found a $7500 Synergistic CTS speaker cable for $1200. When new it was their very best, now 16 years later still very, very good but a lot less money. So like that. 

That covers interconnects and speaker cables. For power cords the story is the same only different. In this case if you can afford Moneoone Nova or Supernova that is the way to go, and if not then same story back to Synergistic. They have been making the Master Coupler for over 30 years now, because it is that good, and not just me saying that they sell now 30 years later for almost what they cost new back then. Once again not saying they are the very best, but you could do a lot worse for the $200 or whatever one of those will cost you. You could also probably spend a huge amount of time searching around and find something better at that price point. How do you want to spend your time?  

Between $200 for a Master Coupler and $2500 for a Nova there's a lot of choices and so I would just go with whatever Synergistic you can find a good deal on. Keep it simple.  

Be aware I do not like the sort of hyped, tilted up, analytical sound that a lot of audiophiles call detailed. If something is going to err, and they all do, I prefer it be more full bodied and warm than lean and etched. Keep that in mind because a lot of guys love that hifi sound. If that is you then maybe replace Synergistic with Transparent or something like that. If you can get up to Townshend/Moneoone level then you can get the best of both worlds, warm and full yet also super fast and beautifully detailed.
Yes but silver lining, there will be no bragging about the Spelling Bee Trophy.