Mogami Speaker cable question

Hello all,

One of the guy that I highly respected in Hi end audio suggested Mogami for a budget speaker cable but they have so many different type by number. Wondering if any of you are using them and what is the best one in Mogami?

The canare is so inexpensive I would try it 1st and compare anything else I might try to it. Not withstanding the offer by maplegrovemusic which was very generous.

I have been using for years the MOGAMI neglex 2497 wich is a coax 2 conductors cable.
I am pretty happy with it . I find it quite neutral.
i could say that it give the music a sort of live perseption, with dynamic.
I use it for modulation interconnection  and speakers cables even in the low frequency.
It seems to me an excellent value for money performance.

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