Mogami 2549 (Standard) vs 2534 (Quad) etc


Thinking of getting some xlr and rca interconnect cables made Alot of people have suggested Mogami for their lack of coloring and sending exactly what the source outputs. just not sure which mogamiĀ  cables..there are soooo many variations.. anyone got input one these?


Showing 1 response by mike_in_nc

I have cables made with W2549 and others with W2534. Both pair have the same Neutrik connectors; both are 25 ft long.

Five years ago, when my HF hearing was better, I thought that sound through the ordinary mic cable (W2549) had SLIGHTLY more HF response. Maybe.

I'd use W2549 for most applications. If in an area with extreme RFI, the W2534 quad cable, which has better interference rejection, would be better. But for ordinary applications, even running a line-level audio cable near a power cord, there is no need for a quad cable.