MoFi Bridge Over Troubled Water - Review

I just got the MoFi SACD of BOTW, and have been listening to it for a couple of hours. Given some of the strange production choices as discussed below, I think the recording sounds the best it ever has. Notwithstanding those baked in production issues, there is a great sense of balance and air here. Vocals and instruments generally complement each other quite well, neither overrides the other. However, the brass on Keep The Customer Satisfied continues to be somewhat abrasive and ear piercing, as on all other versions ... I wish MoFi would have toned that down a bit. One interesting point is that Hal Blaine's drumming prowess becomes really obvious on this version, which is a welcome highlight.

Bye Bye Love would have been better as a studio track. The live version sounds tinny and adds absolutely nothing to the album. Another pet peeve of mine is the overproduction at the end of Bridge and The Boxer... totally unnecessary. Indeed, a big ending is fine, but not to the point where, as here, things sound distorted. Nonetheless, a near perfect album, which could have been absolutely perfect with a few minor tweaks.

All in all, I'd say that this SACD is the definitve digital version of BOTW. It's already sold out on MD.


Thanks for the review.  I'll be getting this at some point in the future.  I hope it isn't another 5 years or so before MoFi gets around to doing the next S&G album.

I am one of the very few that has never listened to BOTW from start to finish. I should look for a nice original LP for a complete listen. Then get a CD - early or later version? - and again listen in its entirety. I already know it is a great musical work!

@rlb61 You must have done what I did.  As soon as they sent the message about it's availability I ordered.  Came in yesterday.  I haven't listened to it yet but am encouraged even more after your review.  Thanks for that!  I was a young child when it came out and mom played it all the time.  I loved it even as a youngster.  Cecilia made me think of crushes in school at the time.  Maybe one of the top albums of all time imho.