Modwright LS100 vs The followings

I am using a Modwright LS100. I think it sounds quite good, but I am wondering how does it compared to the followings:

1) Coincident Statement Line stage
2) ARC SP10
3) Doge 8
4) Supratek Chardonnay
I listen to SP10 at my friends place, it has a huge sound stage and very holographic. But the price in the used market keeps going up. Given the current market price, I am wondering is it is better to get a current production model.

Would any of this be a significant upgrade to the Modwright LS100?

Showing 13 responses by gte357s

@adg101 thanks for your reply.  I already use some isolation underneath it because it is too big to fit in my shelf.  I can try another power chord.  For the fuse, what do you use?  
My analog rig contains the following:

Sota Star Sapphire turntable
SAEC 308 tonearm
Denon dl-H5LC MC cartridge
Allnic 1201 phono preamp
ModWright LS100 preamp
Otomon Lab 300B based on Luxman MQ-300
JBL 4341 speakers

For the sound, I don’t necessarily looking for “tubey” sound, I think.  I want a life-like presentation, wide and deep sound stage, good separation of instruments, airy ... etc.

Honestly the Modwright is good.  I actually brought it to my fiends place and A/B test compared to his SP10.  It was a short session because we also compared the phono preamp and power amp.  Different people focus on different thing.  It can very well be that Modwright sound is less “tubey” or have a more modern sound, but I didn’t pay too much attention to the bass or detail.  My first impression is SP10 sound more holographic, and it is not by a small margin.  It is quite obvious and audible.  I actually like the style of Coincident and Supratek, but can’t audition them.  So, the only way is to ask for opinions and impressions in a forum.  
And I also completely agreed with charles1dad description on the Coincident statement, it is spot on as well.  Open, dynamic, transparent.

also, the Coincident seems more sensitive to the cables.  I use Neotech 3004 RCA on Modwright and they sound excellent, but I don’t like it on Coincident.  
Then surprisingly, the Coincident works well with Silver cables, it adds more punch, more slam.  
Just give a quick update.  First of all, my comments about the Modwright is not accurate. Shortly after that session, it blown two fuses in one morning.  I then took it to a technician.  I think he replaces a couple capacitor or resistor, nothing major.  After it is fixed, it sounded WAY better than before.  The holographic is much improved.  Now I truly agreed what @jjss49 said above: the sound is holographic, but with a lot of texture, tonal density, and muscle in bass!  
I then bought a Coincident Statement line stage MKII.  While it sounds good, but The sound is very different.  It is more transparent and more detailed, but less tonal density and leaner.
Now it comes to taste, and synergy with the rest of the components.  I can’t decide what to keep, 
I can see you are using a Yamamoto DAC.  I am using a Musical Paradise MP-D2 DAC.  It sounds excellent on Modwright, but a bit too lean on the Coincident.  
I am using NOS Phillips 6SN7WGTB and Millard 5AR4 on Modwright.
Actually, I am not 100% correct.  While the DAC sound good with ModWright, it is actually not “right” but I never realize it.  After I change back to the stock 6N1P, when I go back to ModWright, it sounds more “correct”. There are more slam as how I hear the same song at my friend’s place.  
That’s exactly right.  For the Modwright, the difference in sound is not as obvious when changing tubes and cables.  For the CSL, it is VERY obvious.  I guess that’s what transparent means?  It doesn’t add anything as it is not there.  So, the CSL requires some effort to match to get the best out of it.  To be honest, when I first get it, it doesn’t match very well with my system.  I even thought if I get a defective unit.  Then I spent quite a lot of time playing with all different combinations of tubes and cables, and finally found one now that I feel it sounds quite good now.  Since the DAC sound so good with the Modwright, I can’t imagine I need to change the tubes initially; until I tried back my old Audio-gd DAC and doesn’t have that kind of distorted sound.  Finally, I found out the stock Chinese 6N1P tubes with gain set to high solve the problem!  All my nice vintage tubes doesn’t work, really have no ideal.  But anyway, I am happy now.  
it uses the new ISO Tango but not the Hirata Tango.  I tried a couple 300B: Shuguang black treasure, Sophia Princess and TJ Full Music.  The Black Treasure has the darkest sound and at the same time feeling less dynamic.  The TJ has the most dynamic and extended, but in certain songs with guitar playing some higher notes, they sound a tad thin.  The Sophia Princess is in between the Black Treasure and TJ.  With the CSL, I prefer the Black Treasure or Sophia.  But for ModWright, I use the TJ.

it is hard to compare the Otomon 300B to the Triode Lab 2A3 because one is a power amp and one is integrated.  I feel the Triode Lab sounds very good too, while the music is a bit lighter and faster than the Otomon when it is paired with a Luxkit (Luxman) a3300 preamp.  I feel the Triode Lab sound signature is more like the CSL, definitely not ModWirght which has high tonal density which gives the texture of guitar.
Both preamp can draw me into music but in a different way.  I am 95% listen to Jazz where most of the song has vocal, saxophone, drums, cello, guitar, trumpet and piano.  The Modwright really have a rich tone.  For female vocals, it is warm and non-fatigue.  For guitars and cellos, I don’t know how to described, but it has more density, as I can hear the vibration of the wood body.

Now if I switch to the Coincident, the tone is not as rich.  But it gives me a greater feeling of live performance.  I am emersed into the music.  The soundstage is wider and deeper, a bit more details, a bit more dynamic.  It is more of an overall feeling.  But if I pick on certain things to do a comparison, say focus on listening to guitar notes, then I will like the rich tone of the Modwright.  I think I am done doing comparisons, so, I don’t pick on listening the notes from the Coincident.

But I am not saying the tone on Coincident is bad, nor the soundstage on Modwright is bad.  It is just one shines a little more than the other in those aspects.  So, both preamps are good in a slightly different ways.
thank you for your feedback.  May I ask what DAC and cable you use?  It would be ideal if I can increase the tonal density.  I am tempted to try a R2R DAC.

and yes, I hear you, my ModWright has a remote, it is so much more convenient, especially for digital where I have a playlist of over 300 songs, and loudness changes from song to song.  😞