Modwright LS100 vs The followings

I am using a Modwright LS100. I think it sounds quite good, but I am wondering how does it compared to the followings:

1) Coincident Statement Line stage
2) ARC SP10
3) Doge 8
4) Supratek Chardonnay
I listen to SP10 at my friends place, it has a huge sound stage and very holographic. But the price in the used market keeps going up. Given the current market price, I am wondering is it is better to get a current production model.

Would any of this be a significant upgrade to the Modwright LS100?

Showing 11 responses by charles1dad

Good question that I should have addressed in prior comments. I purchased my CSLS MK II new in 2009 and it came with the Shuguang 101d. This is a good sounding tube at very reasonable cost and is also reliable.

I switched to the Psvane W.E. Replica 101D in 2014. This is a "great" sounding can hear improvement across the sonic board/spectrum compared to the standard Shuguang 101D. This premium level Psvane is more expensive but IMHO worth the additional cost.

Good versus great , even more air, openness and inner detail and nuance. The Psvane W.E Replica has a fuller more meat on the bone presentation (Relatively speaking) yet remains remarkably transparent and more dynamic. I’ve had them so long I consider them my "standard 101D
I do feel the innate differences between the 101D and 6SN7 are at play as factors. Very different tubes for sure.
Hi @thaluza
"Regarding the tonal qualities of the CSLS, my initial impression of the CSLS was similar to the OP’s. However, I found a dac and cables that I like that tailored the sound more to my liking. So maybe this is a compliment for the CSLS. "

Yep!!! This very distinction was discussed earlier in the thread. I expressed that the CSLS is chameleon " regarding its sonic signature. So it definitely can be described as lean/cool Or rich/warm depending on the other audio system components. Very organic character paired with my Yamamoto YDA-01 DAC.
I hear ya 😊. Two splendid choices, each with its alluring strengths. Just depends on which one you’d find more satisfying in the long term. I’m 90-95% jazz as well 😊.
Any further preamplifier  listening impressions/thoughts?
Thanks for your impressions. According to Thomas Mayer who builds heirloom level amplifiers, he said he finds the ISO Tango and HIrata Tango output transformers equally excellent.
I’ve never heard an Otomon Lab amplifier but I know they are highly regarded custom Japanese products. I would imagine that it mates well with your two line stages. Does yours utilize Tango or Tamura output transformers?
what 300b tubes are you using?
How does the Otomon compare to your Triode Lab 2A3?
Hi gte357s,
I’ve heard 5 different DACs in my system running through the CSL . Each of them were very good (Not a dog amongst them). The individual sonic signature of each one was easily and clearly distinct from the others. Same outcome when a friend brought by different IC cables to compare. Also no problems clearly hearing differences between numerous 300b tubes.

I believe that it’s pretty easy to tailor the sound of an audio system using the CSL as it does minimal editorializing of what’s in the signal path. The 101d DHT is a different character from the 6SN7 (Which I’ve used in prior audio systems). Probably why Mick of Supratek has a line stage that offers choice of both of these tubes.

Israel Blume settled on the 101d specifically for its relatively "invisible " signature (Nothing’s perfectly a straight wire with gain). He wanted The very linear quality of this tube for its air, openess and resolution. The highly popular (well deserved) 6SN7 has a beautiful sound as well but I believe with a touch more of the coveted tube bloom/ character.

I know with the Supratek option some listeners prefer 6SN7 and others 101d depending obviously on what else makes up the specific audio system. I believe a superb system could be built with the CSL or the Modwright LS 100 depending on desired objectives.

BTW gte357s you mentioned the CSL "works well"  with silver cables. My experience as well, I use the Ocellia Silver Reference (Previous generation) . Overall excellent match , very pure, organic and nuanced with beautiful tone and timbre . There is natural warmth with this pairing.
Hi @gte357s,

Click my avatar, you can see my full system with pictures and descriptions. I named my audio system “SET Bliss” Happy Memorial Day.
Thanks for your follow-up listening impressions and comments. You note the transparency of the Coincident Statement Line Stage (CSL). And you’re right, audio system synergy of components/cables are very key and will be exposed.

In my opinion the CSL doesn’t lack tonal density. It entirely depends on what it’s partnered with. The exceptional level of transparency allows the signature of each component and cable to be revealed/recognized. Tone can be leaner or fuller -meat on the bone. The CSL very likely has less of a "self" sonic signature than the Modwright LS 100 relatively speaking. So the LS 100 could add a bit of flavor sonically speaking. CLS more chameleon in nature.

Bottom line I don’t believe that you can go wrong with either line stage. Just depends on which approach you want to take. I will say that with the current make up of my system, tonal density and harmonic richness are strengths.
Which ever choice you make, best of luck to you.
With a question like this you can receive a whole host of replies  and opinions. So I’ll chime in with mine. I believe that your current Modwright LS 100 is very good. As mentioned above changing tubes/power cable/fuse could very well further improve the sound quality. Certainly worth consideration.

In my opinion the Coincident Statement Line Stage is outstanding!
A different approach from your LS 100.
101d DHT tubes.
Transformer volume control.
Interstage transformer rather than coupling capacitors.
Ultra simple signal path.
Very robust seperate power supply.

It is exceptionally open, transparent, dynamic and has excellent reproduction of natural tone/timbre/harmonic overtones.
Instruments and vocalists are very authentic and convincing.
As you note not particularly easy to get for an audition. I believe if you heard it in your audio system you’d be extremely impressed.

I’ve owned the MK II version for nearly 12 years and it’s superb sounding. The current MK III was introduced last year.
Best of luck,

If you’re open to trying fuses I suggest the Synergistic Research Orange. If you are not impressed just return it. Refund is no hassle.