Mobile Fidelity UltraDeck with MC cart

Hello all,
Interested in the opinions of those who have heard Mobile Fidelity's new line of turntables. What did you think?

I'm interested in the UltraDeck, but I'd like to pair it with a good MC cartridge. Have any of you done that, and if you have, how did it sound?

Looking forward to your input. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by arcamguy

Don, Spenceroo,
Thanks for the feedback, and anyone else, keep it coming,

I did call Music Direct this past weekend and the man I spoke with said he had not heard of it being used with an MC cart, but, obviously, you can do that. He told me this would be a side-step from my Music Hall MMF 7.3/Goldring Elite combo.

I'm in the exploratory stage; the MoFi has really caught my attention. My TT sounds lean, and one of the things I like about the MoFi is the Cardas tonearm cabling which I think would be a step up. Again, just gathering information.