Mo' money. Mo' problems.

I'm sure this has been discussed in a few posts over the years, but seeing as how we didn't burn up in the Mayan apocalypse, I thought I'd float something that has been on my mind as we close out 2012.

I think Notorious B.I.G. said it best:

The more money we come across, the more problems we see.

That is, in audio, as I have gradually spent more and more on high-end gear, the more critical and discerning I have become. The more I expect out of this stuff. I've spent more this year on gear (and vinyl) than ever before, so is it just a coincidence that I've had more issues than ever before? Be it tube matching, power issues, faulty amps (had two in a row, then jettisoned the brand), cable matching, fuses, tracking alignment, concern over my home's electrical, wondering about a two rinse wash vs. three rinse process, footers, computer optimization, high res file types, where is that hum coming from?, was that a pop or did my wife turn on the washer?... the endless quest for perfection... you know what I mean? (I hope.) Seems like each new upgrade opens a door for another or some other nit picky thing...

When everything is working perfectly, of course, it's a drug-free high. Total bliss. Lightyears beyond where I was or what I ever would have imagined as a kid.

But there's always going to be 'something,' isn't there? Are these bumps along the way just a part of the hobby - or are the bumps the hobby? How can I make 2013 the year I stop the BS and just enjoy the music?

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I've got to say that in my experience audiophiles are a particularly quirky obsessive-compulsive lot. By nature, most of us will never be completely satisfied or finished and I suppose that is why we have high-end companies catering to our neurosis.

Many times I've gotten my system to such a wonderful state of mind-blowing bliss that I do ask myself why can't this one be good enough? And is absolutely is good enough... at least until the next Mk-II or Mk-III version is introduced.

What I have now is 2 stereo systems and one multi-channel A/V system and I've got them all sounding incredible. But I'm sure I won't stop. Why should I!

The back-handed slap in my face comes from the realization that no one else cares about or even appreciates what I've managed to achieve. I've tried to start an audiophile group here in Tucson and I don't get any replies. So now I'm trying to start an A/V Concert group hoping that throwing in the video aspect will attract potential members.

But my family and I do enjoy all the music and videos here in the home so maybe that will have to be enough for me. And since my systems have matured maybe I can finally say "Good Enough" and get off this merry-go-round perhaps devoting more time to other pursuits. Maybe...