
Did anyone hear Evolution Acoustic's MM3s at Rocky Mountain Show? If so, could you share your initial impressions?
Dlanselm, knowing who the others posting to this thread are helps put things in perspective :-)
Audiofeil & Essentialaudio,

I thought Jtinn's post was funny on its own. I would think someone asking about MM3's, would know that he ownes the company and see humor in his post. I know I did. BTW, I have never bought a thing from Jtinn.

>>I loved them :)<<

You should. You're the distributor.
Not to mention owner of the company. Does it get any more transparent than that?
Cant afford them, but love reading about them and their sonic characteristics. The MM3 are definitely on my "to audition" list.

I had the pleasure of spending considerable time with the MM3s at RMAF. They sounded excellent, although I think the setup and room held them back in a few areas- bass integration, focus, imaging, and soundstage depth. After living with a pair of MM3s for two months now, I can say those are all non-issues. As a matter of fact, I have never heard a speaker do those things so well in my room (except for bass integration on the 5As). It is a true statement speaker. Get ready ain't heard nothin' yet!
I heard them at the show. To give you some perspective, I'm a big fan of the big Avalons, MBL 101's and Kharma Esquisites. The Evolutions are in a whole other league. They were the purest, most resolving most transparent speakers I ever heard. They basically transcend hifi. They simply disappeared leaving only the music. Best speakers I ever heard by a wide margin. Of course, under show conditions, they were not perfect. Image focus and depth perspective could have been better, but that was because they were set up for a wide listening position. People that got them say that the imaging is AMAZING when set up properly. I have heard lots of super speakers, but nothing like the Evolutions. I'll be getting my MM2's in a few weeks.