MIT Oracle MA-X -SHD Speaker Cable. Box??

Very pricey Cables. What does the “box” do? Anyone with some technical knowledge to explain what goes on in there to contribute to better sound??

"IF anyone really did know, and IF their explanation was correct, and IF it really did result in better sound, THEN everyone would soon be doing it."

I believe you are completely mistaken and misinformed the technology being referenced here is I am reasonably certain protected under various international patents which completely forbids anyone from replicating the circuit and that is the purpose of patents which is to protect technology. You might want to research, study, and explore the use of patents in science and industry because there is a lot you do not seem to understand you sound like a guy I know named "Chuck" but that is another story.
What does the “box” do?

Does it matter?

Anyone with some technical knowledge to explain what goes on in there to contribute to better sound??
Well look at it this way. IF anyone really did know, and IF their explanation was correct, and IF it really did result in better sound, THEN everyone would soon be doing it. Which they are not.

Not that that will ever stop the rumor mill, or even slow it down one tiny little bit.

So there you go.