Miracle by Joseph long on Dynavector XX2MKII cartridge

A couple of days ago, I got my Dynavector XX2MKII back from Joseph Long after he put a new cantilever and stylus on it. It has blown me away, it sounds better than it has ever sounded, and has blown away my Kometsu Vermilion cartridge. I'm thinking it may be the best sounding cartridge I've ever heard, but don't get m

e wrong, I haven't heard that many great cartridges, but to my mind, this is one of them.

Joseph long's work is heartily recommended after my experience in this matter.



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Showing 2 responses by tomic601

what a wonderful thread and people contributing….one reason why i still spend time here…

Dan - enjoy it ! revel in it, lavish praise..celebrate the music and the black disc…. i always enjoy your posts… spelling is optional… but i am just a cave man amidst the brilliant